uk photography
We offer a range of wildlife photography hides in Norfolk. These hides are set up to provide you with the best opportunities to photograph the subject up close. Current hides include beaver, woodland birds and farmland birds, but the offering is constantly evolving so please do sign up to our newsletter below to receive updates.

beaver hide
Our beaver hide offers you the unique opportunity to watch and photograph beavers in their natural habitat. Set within a secret location in Norfolk, our pop-up hide has been set up with the aim of allowing you to photograph this charismatic, beautiful and secretive species, reintroduced after an absence of 600 years or longer.
farmland hide
Coming soon! This hide is situated within a 60-acre rewilding project and is set up to photograph a variety of farmland species, ranging from hares to birds of prey. One-way glass is installed in this hide to avoid any disturbance to subjects.

Woodland hide
Coming soon! Set within a 60-acre rewilding project, this hide has been set up to offer opportunities to photograph many birds, including notoriously shy and difficult to photograph species such as the great spotted woodpecker and nuthatch.